Push to Talk Recording

Record your push to talk conversations with voice recording

Record your push to talk conversations to meet compliance, regulation, and customer policies.

Airacom helps organisations in every industry get ahead by improving internal employee communication, collaboration and productivity. Our push to talk recording module will enable you to record, retrieve, store, and playback every audio conversation for companies that need to retain conversations for evidence, training or situational debriefings or to meet regulatory and compliance standards.

PTT Recording Features

PoC recording

Date and time push to talk audio playback

Audio Search

Search and retrieve sessions based on users, radio groups, dates, and times.

Session Display

Display history of call and call detail with session name, call type, start and end time.

Locate Voice Bursts

Locate a specific voice burst or listen to the entire PTT session in serial mode.

Save PTT Communications

Option to save a recorded PTT session to your local storage for further analysis.

Multi Language

Airacom PTT recording module supports English, French, German, Spanish, and more.


Airacom PTT and PTT recording module can fully support high levels of security encryption.

Meet Regulations

Does your industry or sector require you to record conversations as a legal requirement?

Improve Training

Use Airacom PTT recording to better train your teams and improve health & safety.

record your conversations
Push to Talk Recording

What are the main reasons for recording push to talk voice calls?

You may have compliance requirements, or the industry you operate within, like rail or aviation with many moving parts, may mandate recording your push to talk voice conversations for evidence. Here are some main reasons companies record their PTT conversations.

Audit and Data Trails

Communication may be stored in the event decisions need questioning.

Internal Situation

If an internal situation arises, both parties may request to review the audio to determine fault or blame.

Emergency and Safety Risks

The business will be able to recall conversations to address situational outcomes, and best practices or be used as evidence.

Work Accountability

Recording PTT conversations boosts accountability across your workforce.

Review Complaints

Use recorded push-to-talk conversations to improve your processes and train your staff to overcome challenges.

Emergency and Safety Risks

If a customer or a staff member raises a complaint, your recorded PTT calls will help you playback conversations to establish the what, why, and how of the problem.

solutions for industry

How does my business benefit from recording push to talk conversations

Large or small, many businesses benefit from a professional push to talk group communications system with voice recording to better prepare their organisation.

Railtrack Operations

Rail can benefit from near national Airacom PTT group communications with PTT recording to manage Railtrack operations.

Construction Sites

Boost safety and efficiency across your construction with reliable PTT recording to debrief critical decisions and mitigate onsite disagreements.

Hazardous Areas

Hazardous locations require constant communication between field personnel, supervisors and back office operations. Recording PTT conversations enables businesses to debrief in the event of critical or emergency situations for training.

push to talk software

Get the experience of a walkie talkie using our push to talk software on any device

Airacom APTT Push to talk software to broadcast communications to large groups or individuals over any 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, 5G, or WiFi and Satellite network.

Near global coverage

Works with most Android and iOS devices

Replace your two way radios with a cheaper solution

Works from 2 to 1 million users

Command centre solutions

Comprehensive dispatch console dashboards and control room solutions

Simplify communications from your command centre and streamline remote management. Supervisors can leverage comprehensive dashboards to track remote workers, issue jobs and tasks and manage emergency events.

Dispatch console software

Command console software

Monitoring centre software

Contact centre WFM

Healthcare lone worker protection

Incidents of violence, abuse & aggression are on the rise in healthcare

Many healthcare workers find themselves working alone throughout the day. Mixing with the general public and visiting vulnerable people, or people suffering from mental health or violent behaviours. A survey of more than 2,400 doctors and medical students carried out by the British Medical Association (BMA) in July 2021 reveals some harrowing facts about the safety of healthcare workers and healthcare professionals

14.3% said they experienced at least one incident of violence

Three in 10 (30%) NHS workers experience patient violence

26% say they face aggressive behaviour from fellow staff

NHS Staff Survey 2021

YouGOV Helathcare Survey 2022

Related products

Group communication

For modern teams

Push to talk over WiFi

Push to talk (PTT) over WiFi uses the existing wireless network and access points for resiliency and redundancy.

Real Time Location Services

Real time location services for indoor and outdoor tracking of personnel, assets and vehicles.

Push to Talk Software

Group communication over a highly secure wide area cellular network with national & international coverage.

LTE PoC Radios

Buy, rent or lease the latest next generation LTE PoC radios, or combine them with our PTT plans.

Rugged Smartphones

Save money on your industrial rugged smartphones and get the best tech for your business.

Resource Management

Manage your remote and frontline workforce with our all in one resource management solutions.


Locate and monitor your frontline workers in real time with push to locate

Make better, faster business decisions with the live location of your frontline workforce with Airacom location-based services.

User tracking

Attendance monitoring

Skills-based user dispatch

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